In this section...
Environmental Due Diligence, Nationwide
SunAmerica Affordable Housing Partners, Inc., Los Angeles, California
Slosky & Company provides environmental due diligence services for the acquisition of developed and undeveloped real estate by SunAmerica.  To date, over 1,580 properties with development costs of $25 billion have been reviewed.  Services include:  review or preparation of Phase I environmental site assessments, soil and groundwater investigations, asbestos and lead-based paint surveys, asbestos and lead-based paint abatement plans, specifications, final abatement reports, and operations and maintenance programs.  Guidance is provided for Phase II investigations, when necessary.  Slosky & Company also developed the company's environmental management system, including guidelines for conducting Phase I environmental site assessments and asbestos and lead-based paint assessment and management systems.

Environmental Site Assessments and Remediation Consultation, Colorado
Trillium Corporation, Bellingham, Washington and Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company conducted a number of Phase I environmental site assessments for property acquisitions by Trillium.  Slosky & Company also advised Trillium concerning environmental due diligence and remediation plans for property sales.

Phase I Environmental Assessment, Evergreen, Colorado
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Chicago, Illinois
Slosky & Company prepared a Phase I environmental assessment for a 6-acre undeveloped parcel for the O'Hare Consolidated Office of the FDIC.

Baseline Environmental Assessment, Asbestos, and Indoor Air Quality Testing for Republic Plaza and the World Trade Center, Denver, Colorado Brookfield Development Inc., Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company conducted a Phase I environmental assessment and indoor air quality testing in two of the largest Class-A office complexes in Denver.  The assessment included 2.3-million square feet occupying 113 floors in three high-rise buildings.

Industrial Land Redevelopment, Denver, Colorado
City and County of Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company assessed the redevelopment of a closed wastewater treatment plant.  The assessment included an inventory of the property and facilities, demolition and salvage estimation, evaluation of environmental conditions, economic market assessment/property appraisal, opportunities/constraints analysis, evaluation of redevelopment alternatives, and a cost benefit/impact analysis.

Environmental Assessment and Asbestos Testing, Littleton, Colorado
South Suburban Metropolitan Recreation and Park District, Littleton, Colorado
Slosky & Company conducted Phase I environmental assessments of two commercial buildings being purchased by the District.  The assessments included the testing of building materials for asbestos.

Phase I Environmental Assessment for Farmland, Kit Carson, Colorado
Sparks Dix Enoch, P.C., Colorado Springs, Colorado for the Sisters of Notre Dame, Thousand Oaks, California
Slosky & Company prepared a Phase I environmental assessment for an agricultural property in Kit Carson County, Colorado.  The assessment included testing of groundwater from an existing water supply well.

Review of Environmental Assessments Prepared by Other Consulting Firms
Brownstein Hyatt Farber & Strickland, P.C., Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company reviews Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments prepared by other consulting firms.  Advice is provided on additional work that should be required pre- and post-closure.

Environmental Assessment of a Fire Assay Laboratory, Golden, Colorado
Chemistry and Industrial Hygiene, Inc., for Gold Fields Mining Corporation
Slosky & Company conducted an environmental assessment of a fire assay laboratory being considered for purchase.  The assessment included a review of air and water emissions, regulatory compliance, and hazardous/solid waste management practices.

Environmental Due Diligence for an Oil and Gas Public Offering, Colorado
Brownstein Hyatt Farber & Strickland, P.C., Denver, Colorado for Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette
Slosky & Company assisted in the environmental due diligence for a $30 million public offering involving over 15,000 acres of oil and gas properties in several Rocky Mountain States.

Industrial Property Conversion to Multi-Family Mixed Use, former Gates Rubber Factory, Denver, CO
Trammell Crow Residential, Englewood, Colorado
Slosky & Company represented the purchaser of this historically industrial property.  The firm conducted soil, soil vapor, and groundwater testing.  As a result of this additional testing, vapor mitigation systems were installed in the buildings.  The data were submitted to the state environmental agency who confirmed its No Action Determination (NAD) for the site.  The property was redeveloped into multi-family residential and commercial use.

Historic Redevelopment, New Haven, Connecticut
Brownstein Hyatt Farber & Strickland, P.C., Denver, Colorado for a California Insurance Company
Slosky & Company assisted legal counsel in conducting the environmental due diligence and remediation planning for an $80 million downtown redevelopment in New Haven, Connecticut.  The review included:  Phase I assessments, asbestos testing, soil gas testing, soil and groundwater testing, soil gas testing, lead-based paint, and radon testing.  Slosky & Company developed construction/completion protocols for asbestos, lead-based paint, and petroleum-contaminated soils.  The mixed use residential and commercial project was successfully completed with extensive remediation conducted concurrently with construction activities.

Memphis, Tennessee Urban Revitalization
Confidential Developer and Investor
From project initiation to receipt of No Further Action (NFA) decisions, Slosky & Company advised multiple developer partners and investors on the successful transition of a formerly industrialized area to residential land use.  The firm directed local consultants regarding environmental matters for which the state environmental agency had not yet promulgated regulations or guidance.  Slosky & Company assisted in the negotiation of multiple state brownfield agreements and established collaborative relationship with state regulators, allowing issuance of pre-NFA interim status letters and final NFAs to facilitate financing in a tight credit market.

Environmental Remediation for Redevelopment of Superfund Site, Monterey Park, California
The Ezralow Company, Calabasas, California
Slosky & Company served as the overall environmental consultant on the redevelopment of the North Parcel of the Operating Industries Incorporated National Priorities List site in Eastern Los Angeles County.  The OII Superfund site is one of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's showcase brownfield projects involving a multi-hundred-million-dollar remediation.  Remediation of the site includes capping and implementing a landfill gas control system at a historic landfill, soil remediation in areas previously occupied by industrial tenants including an auto wrecking yard, and gas control and detection systems in newly constructed buildings.

Mississippi River — Gulf Outlet Remediation, New Orleans, Louisiana
US Army Corps of Engineers
Slosky & Company personnel served as project manager for completion of a five-year $30 million human health and ecological risk-based brownfield remediation and negotiated cost-saving alternatives totaling approximately $1 million with the state environmental agency and U.S. EPA Region VI).  Multiple No Further Action decisions were obtained from the state environmental agency for formerly industrial properties remediated to residential levels.  Project was completed on time and on budget.  Site soils were classified as sufficiently clean to allow their re-use at post-Katrina levee reconstruction projects by the US Corps of Engineers.

Environmental Due Diligence and Management for Residential
Redevelopment, Jersey City, New Jersey
SunAmerica Affordable Housing Partners, Los Angeles, California
Slosky & Company advised the major investor in the environmental due diligence and development and implementation of a remedial action plan being implemented under a state administrative order in Jersey City, New Jersey.  Contaminants included lead-contaminated soil and chlorinated solvents in the groundwater. Remedial activities included a soil cap over the entire site and vapor barriers in buildings over the contaminated groundwater.  Construction was completed and the property is occupied.

Redevelopment of the NASA Industrial Plant, Downey, California
The Ezralow Company, Calabasas, California
Slosky & Company conducted environmental due diligence for the acquisition of the 140-acre National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Industrial Plant (NIP) in Downey, California.  The site is located approximately 15 miles south of downtown Los Angeles.

The NIP was used for aircraft design, aircraft construction, and aerospace design and manufacturing since the late 1920s.  The Apollo and Space Shuttle Orbiter components were manufactured and maintained at this facility.  This facility housed the first operational nuclear reactor in California.

Slosky & Company services have included the review of historic operational documentation, environmental assessments, including soil and groundwater testing conducted by the government, ongoing remedial activities, and regulatory compliance issues.  Slosky & Company has also conducted its own soil testing.  A shopping center was successfully developed on a portion of the property.

Denver Radium Site Redevelopment, Denver, Colorado
Brownstein Hyatt & Farber, P.C., Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company provided environmental due diligence services for the acquisition and development of a portion of the Robinson Brick Company (ROBCO) Denver radium site.  The site was the location of a radium processing facility established by the National Radium Institute (NRI) in 1913.  ROBCO later acquired the property and used it as a brick and tile manufacturing site from approximately the 1940s to the mid-1980s.

The site was placed on the National Priorities List (NPL) as part of the Denver Radium Site in September 1983.  Radiological and non-radiological assessment and remediation have been performed at the site.

Cupples Station Hotel Redevelopment, St. Louis, Missouri
SunAmerica Affordable Housing Partners, Los Angeles, California
Slosky & Company advised the major investor in the due diligence and remediation of a portion of the Cupples Station warehouse district.  Remediation was conducted under Missouri's voluntary cleanup program on rehabilitated warehouse buildings.  Environmental activities addressed lead- and petroleum-contaminated soil, asbestos and lead-based paint abatement.  The Westin St. Louis was completed and operates on the property.

Radioactive Waste Screening at Residential Development Site, Denver, Colorado
Phoenix Development Company, Phoenix, Arizona
Phoenix Development planned the construction of the Commons Park West apartment complex on the Denver Radium National Priorities List Site in the Central Platte Valley of Denver.  Slosky & Company developed, gained government approval of, and implemented a site-specific health and safety plan to protect construction workers from radiological hazardous and to identify any radioactively- contaminated soil remaining on the property.  The firm conducted radiological screening of excavated soil and remediated areas contaminated by petroleum and asbestos.

Expert Witness Testimony, US Ecology v. The State of California, et al.
US Ecology
Leonard Slosky provided expert witness testimony in deposition and at trial regarding the development of a low-level radioactive waste disposal facility in the state of California.  Mr. Slosky's testimony addressed the national compact system, site development costs, need for the California facility, and historic and future waste disposal quantities.

Class Action Lawsuit against ASARCO Globe Smelter, Denver, Colorado
Macon Cowles & Associates and the Law Firm of Kevin S. Hannon,
Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company served as technical advisor for the plaintiffs in Escamilla, et al. v. ASARCO.  Slosky & Company provided assistance, particularly regarding health risk assessment, air quality, and soil remediation.  The plaintiffs obtained a $28 million judgment, providing for cleanup of soil contamination and compensation for diminished property values.

Defense of a Condemnation Action against an Oil Company, Weld County, Colorado
Pendleton, Friedberg, Wilson & Hennessey PC for Starlight Resources, Denver, Colorado
A metropolitan district attempted to condemn an oil field because of the alleged threat of contamination that the oil field posed to water supply wells.  Slosky & Company provided technical analysis of the alleged threat, identified and coordinated expert witnesses, and prepared trial exhibits.  The condemnation action was dismissed.

Defense of an Environmental Consultant Concerning an Asbestos Survey
Hall & Evans Representing the Consultants Insurance Carrier
Slosky & Company was retained to review and interpret asbestos consulting work products as part of a litigation case involving alleged consultant negligence.  The asbestos consultant failed to identify all of the asbestos-containing materials present in the property.  As a result, the property owner was faced with unforeseen costs to abate potential hazards and mitigate possible employee exposure concerns.

Toxic Tort Litigation, Minturn, Colorado
Delap & Barry, Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company provided technical analysis for a plaintiff in a toxic tort litigation concerning a National Priorities List site that was ultimately settled.

Property Damage from Road Resurfacing, Arvada, Colorado
The Law Firm of Kevin S. Hannon, Denver, Colorado
During the resurfacing of a residential street, a large quantity of emulsified asphalt washed onto a residential property.  Slosky & Company conducted soil sampling and estimated the cost of remediation.  The client received a substantial settlement.

Soil and Groundwater Contamination from a Natural Gas Collection Station, Weld County, Colorado
Pendleton, Friedberg, Wilson & Hennessey PC for a Private Property Owner, Denver, Colorado
Petroleum liquids that were removed from the natural gas were released into the environment over a number of years.  This resulted in soil and groundwater contamination that flowed offsite onto the client's property.  The client filed suit against the pipeline company for the recovery of property damage.  Slosky & Company provided analysis of technical information in support of the litigation.  The client received a substantial settlement.

Environmental Assessment and Soil Testing, Central City Mining District, Colorado
Brownstein Hyatt Farber & Strickland, P.C., Denver, Colorado for 150 Rodeo Partners, Beverly Hills, California
Slosky & Company evaluated the environmental condition of a parcel in the Central City Mining District that was to be purchased for casino development.  Slosky & Company reviewed available records for information regarding the EPA Clear Creek/Central City Superfund Site, surface drainage and groundwater on the subject parcel, potential undermining of the subject parcel, and a former electric utility substation.

Slosky & Company obtained and tested soil samples for toxic metals, volatile and semi volatile organics, petroleum products, and acid drainage generation.  An existing structure was tested for asbestos-containing materials.  That structure and vacant land were also tested for radon gas.

Groundwater Investigation and Remediation, Englewood, Colorado
Power Engineering Company, Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company was retained to provide hydrologic and groundwater remediation services to a plating company that lost chromium into the subsurface.  The firm performed an initial investigation and full-scale characterization plan.  Slosky & Company also implemented the first phase of an innovative groundwater remediation plan.

Phase I and Subsurface Investigation including Soil-Gas Testing
Cockrell, Quinn & Creighton for a Confidential Client, Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company's Phase I environmental site assessment of a commercial property revealed the potential for impact from nearby historic landfills.  Slosky & Company then conducted a subsurface investigation of soil and groundwater, which were found to be uncontaminated.  However, explosive gases were discovered in monitoring wells.  The buildings on site were surveyed for the presence of explosive gases.  Slosky & Company investigated utility corridors to determine if they were a source or pathway for the explosive gases.  A soil gas survey, utilizing an onsite gas chromatograph (GC), was also conducted.  The soil gas survey determined that methane and hydrogen gas were present at two locations on the property.

RCRA Facility Investigation Canon Air Force Base
U.S. Air Force
Slosky & Company personnel were involved with the preparation of Work Plans, Field Sampling Plans (FSP) and Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPP) to evaluate two former landfills at Cannon Air Force Base.  Geophysical surveys were performed and the landfill boundaries delineated.  Soil borings were drilled across the landfill and soil samples were collected at five foot intervals and analyzed for a full suite of chemical analyses.  The depth of the landfill was identified during drilling and the vertical and lateral extent of contamination within the landfills was determined.  An investigation derived waste (IDW) management plan was prepared to properly dispose of soil cuttings generated during site investigation activities.

Explosive (Methane) Gas Investigation
Pendleton & Sabian, P.C., Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company conducted an explosive gas investigation at a trailer park located adjacent to an abandoned municipal landfill.  The investigation included four permanent soil-gas monitoring wells.

Subsurface Investigation for Church Site, Vail, Colorado
Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah
Slosky & Company drilled soil borings and completed groundwater monitoring wells at a prospective church site down-gradient from a historic industrial area.  Soil and groundwater samples were tested for metals, volatile organics, and fecal coliform in addition to general water quality parameters.

Soil Sampling at Uncontrolled Dumping Site
Trammell Crow Company, Englewood, Colorado
A metal-painting tenant was suspected of dumping chemicals on the client's property.  Soil samples up to five feet in depth were tested to determine the nature and extent of contamination and to determine if the soil was hazardous waste.  A site remediation plan was developed.

Environmental Assessment and Subsurface Investigation, Denver, Colorado
Dawn Food Products, Inc., Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company conducted a Phase I environmental site assessment of a parcel being considered for purchase.  The assessment identified historic onsite activities and several offsite facilities that could pose environmental risks to the subject parcel.  A soil and groundwater testing program, including testing for radioactive contamination, was developed and implemented to determine if the subject parcel had been impacted.

Soil Sampling — Electrical Power Substations in Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Wyoming.
Western Area Power Administration
Slosky & Company personnel prepared soil sampling work plans for several electrical power substations in Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Wyoming.   Surface and subsurface soil samples were collected to evaluate the nature and extent of contamination from transformers and other equipment onsite.  Soil investigation reports were prepared documenting soil sampling procedures and soil analytical results and recommendations.

Gasoline Station Groundwater Assessment and Closure Monitoring
Confidential Private Property Owner, Black Hawk, Colorado
In response to a state order, Slosky & Company was retained to conduct a groundwater assessment.  The firm was able to obtain state closure of the site pending groundwater monitoring.  Slosky & Company is conducting quarterly groundwater monitoring.

Groundwater Investigation and Remediation - Chlorinated Solvents
Dover Industries, Dieterich Standard Site, Boulder, Colorado
Loss of chlorinated solvents from a manufacturing plant over 20 years resulted in a groundwater plume, which extends several thousand feet to a nearby creek. As part of the project team, Slosky & Company provided hydrologic and remediation services.  After the initial site investigation, a detailed hydrologic investigation and testing program was designed and executed to establish the limits of contamination and define parameters necessary for design of the remediation system.  A hydraulic barrier system was designed, installed, and operated successfully, stopping further down-gradient migration of contaminated groundwater.  Solvent concentrations in the groundwater have been reduced significantly as a result of direct remediation and source removal.

Remediation of Residential Properties near the ASARCO Globe Smelter
The ASARCO Residential Property Owners Class, Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company provided onsite observation of the remediation of 558 residential properties contaminated with arsenic, cadmium, and lead in the Globeville neighborhood.  Slosky & Company worked with the remediation contractor and ASARCO to resolve complaints from the property owners.

Containment of Pesticide & Nerve Gas Residues, Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Denver, Colorado
Holme Roberts and Owen L.L.P.
Slosky & Company personnel designed chemical compatibility testing protocols for slurry wall materials proposed for use during remediation, negotiating the approach with state and federal environmental agencies.  Approval was obtained for use of chemical surrogates in treatability testing, reducing chemical exposure potential of pesticide/nerve agent derivatives to geotechnical laboratory personnel.  Results were published in Soils, Sediment, and Groundwater, Innovative Technologies issue, 2000.

Assessment of Contaminated Soil at a Former Rail Yard, Las Vegas, Nevada
Union Pacific Railroad
Slosky & Company personnel resolved inconsistencies in environmental measurements at a former rail yard undergoing remediation to commercial/retail land- use standards.  By adapting the statistical techniques of Youden & Steiner, demonstrated that alternative field screening data for lead in soils by x-ray fluorescence bettered performance of fixed laboratory data.  Reduction in the amounts of soil requiring remediation yielded cost savings of approximately $1 million.  Case study published by U.S. EPA and the Air & Waste Management Association, 1993.

Removal of Underground Storage Tank and Remediation of Hazardous Waste-Contaminated Soil
Denver Jet Center, Arapahoe County, Colorado
Slosky & Company implemented a state-approved corrective action plan including the removal of an underground waste oil tank that contained hazardous waste.  Innovative soil-sorting techniques were utilized to minimize the amount of contaminated soil requiring disposal as a hazardous waste.

Power Pole Treatment Plant Remediation, Fort Collins, Colorado
Trillium Corporation, Bellingham, Washington and Denver, Colorado

Slosky & Company implemented a state-approved voluntary cleanup plan for soil remediation at a historic power pole treatment plant that utilized creosote as a preservative.  An onsite mobile laboratory was utilized to direct the soil excavation. Confirmation sampling included a number semi-volatile organic compounds and dioxin.

Soil and Groundwater Assessment and Remediation at Dry Cleaners,
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Insurance Companies and Property Owners
Slosky & Company has conducted and overseen soil and groundwater investigations, including hydrologic testing, at several dry cleaning facilities that have released dry-cleaning solvents.  The firm supervised the removal of contaminated soil and achieved regulatory closure.

Subsurface Investigation of a Bulk Petroleum Product Terminal,
Denver, Colorado
Wagner Equipment Company, Aurora, Colorado
Slosky & Company conducted a subsurface investigation at a former bulk petroleum product terminal owned by a major oil company.  The property formerly contained tanks storing 368,000 gallons of petroleum products, blending tanks, underground distribution lines, pumping facilities, and an underground fueling tank for distribution vehicles.  A nonferrous smelter and a battery manufacturer also were formerly located nearby.  Near-surface and subsurface soils and groundwater were sampled for petroleum products, volatile and semi volatile organics, and toxic metals.

Environmental Documentation of Tank Removal
University of Denver, Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company has documented the removal of a number of underground storage tanks, collected and analyzed soil and groundwater samples, and prepared closure reports for submission to the state of Colorado.

Assessment of Potentially Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
Department of Veterans Affairs, Fort Lyon Medical Center, Fort Lyon, Colorado
Slosky & Company conducted a subsurface investigation, including soil and groundwater analyses, at ten underground petroleum storage tank sites at the Fort Lyon Medical Center.  The results were used to assess at which tank sites releases may have occurred.  Recommendations were prepared to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Environmental Monitoring and Site Investigation
Town of Vail, Colorado
Slosky & Company supervised the removal of underground petroleum storage tanks, as well as obtained and analyzed soil samples from the excavation.  Upon finding hydrocarbon contamination believed to have originated offsite, Slosky & Company installed groundwater monitoring wells to identify the source of contamination.  The Town of Vail filed suit against the adjacent gasoline station, claiming that contamination from the gasoline station flowed onto the town's property.  The client received a substantial settlement from the gasoline station.

Hydrocarbon Plume Delineation, Heyburn, Idaho
Continental Baking Company
Slosky & Company personnel conducted a Phase II subsurface investigation at a leaking underground storage tank site in Heyburn, Idaho.  Field work included drilling several soil borings, installing several monitoring wells, and performing aquifer testing.  A site investigation report was prepared and submitted to the state regulatory agency, and recommendations were made to remediate the groundwater.

Tank Closure, Commerce City, Colorado
Northwestern Engineering Company, Rapid City, South Dakota
During the due diligence for a property sale, it was discovered that soil contamination remained from former underground petroleum storage tanks.  Slosky & Company conducted a detailed subsurface investigation to determine the nature and extent of soil and groundwater contamination.  The subsurface investigation was conducted while the fast-food restaurant on the property remained in operation.  Slosky & Company abandoned a 300-foot water supply well on the property.  Slosky & Company prepared a site closure plan and obtained a closure letter from the Colorado Department of Health within ten days.

Site Investigation and Remediation, Aurora, Colorado
Cockrell, Quinn & Creighton for a Confidential Client
Slosky & Company conducted a site investigation to determine the extent of soil and groundwater contamination at a former underground storage tank facility.  Following the investigation, Slosky & Company developed and implemented a remediation plan.  Final closure of the site was granted by the Colorado Department of Health.

Review of Site Investigation and Remediation Plans for a Leaking Gasoline Service Station
Brownstein Hyatt Farber & Strickland, P.C., Denver, Colorado
In the course of concluding a real estate transaction, the purchaser's attorneys discovered that a leaking gasoline service station was located on the property being purchased.  Slosky & Company reviewed the site investigation and plans for remediation.  Assistance was provided in developing contractual provisions to protect the purchaser from environmental liability.

Underground Storage Tank Removal - Colorado and Utah
Continental Baking Company
Slosky and Company personnel solicited and reviewed underground storage tank contractor bids for the removal of underground storage tanks from several sites in Colorado and Utah.  All necessary permits were acquired, tank removal activities were documented, and confirmation soil samples were collected for chemical analyses.  Underground storage tank closure reports were prepared, documenting all field activities and sampling results, and the reports were submitted to the lead state regulatory agency for "no further action requests" or recommendations for additional work on the properties.

Defense of a Potentially Responsible Party, Denver, Colorado
Brownstein Hyatt Farber & Strickland, P.C., Denver, Colorado for the Trammell Crow Company
Slosky & Company provided technical analyses in defense of the Trammell Crow Company that was named by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a potentially responsible party (PRP) at the Chemical Sales Company Superfund National Priority List site.  Slosky & Company's services included:  preparing a detailed analysis of historic aerial photographs, research on historic landfills, indoor air monitoring for volatile organics, review of the remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) and the health risk assessment, oversight of soil and groundwater sampling (including collection of split samples), quality assurance review of environmental data, preparing extensive comments for the administrative record, and assistance in preparing an innocent landowner defense.

Review ASARCO Globe Plant Cleanup Plan
City and County of Denver, Colorado
Denver retained Slosky & Company to conduct technical reviews of the actions being taken by ASARCO and the state of Colorado to assess and remediate toxic metals contamination from the 100-year-old Globe smelter.  Slosky & Company reviewed and prepared detailed comments on the remedial investigation (RI), the public health evaluation, the feasibility study (FS), and the proposed plan.  The review covered a wide range of issues including:  health risk assessment methodology, groundwater, surface water, sediments, soils, vegetation, air quality, source inventory, analytical techniques, and quality assurance/quality control.

Stapleton Homes Health Risk Assessment
Housing Authority of the City and County of Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company prepared a health risk assessment for the residents of the Stapleton Homes public housing project located adjacent to the ASARCO Globe Plant Superfund site.  To obtain data for the risk calculations, Slosky & Company conducted soil, dust, indoor air quality monitoring, and ambient air quality modeling.  Blood sampling was conducted to test for elevated levels of lead.

Health Risk Assessment for the Minturn Middle School, Minturn, Colorado
Eagle County School District, Colorado
Slosky & Company prepared a health risk assessment for students attending the Minturn Middle School, which is adjacent to the Eagle Mine Superfund National Priorities List site.  The risk assessment was used by the school board to determine if the middle school could continue to be safely operated.  Slosky & Company provides ongoing indoor air quality and dust monitoring for toxic metals, drinking water testing, and reviews the ambient air quality data collected by the state of Colorado and the mine owner.

Health Risk Assessment for Maloit Park and Employees of the Minturn Middle School
Eagle County School District, Colorado
Slosky & Company prepared a health risk assessment for residents of the Maloit Park housing area and employees of the Minturn Middle School that are near the Eagle Mine Superfund National Priorities List site.  The risk assessment included a dose reconstruction of past exposures to toxic metals.

Environmental Sampling and Analysis Plan for a Leaking Hazardous Materials Storage Site
Owner of Black Forest Drum Site, El Paso County, Colorado
In response to an enforcement action by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Slosky & Company was retained by a private party to prepare a plan to assess potential soil, surface water, and groundwater contamination resulting from numerous containers of hazardous materials that had leaked unknown quantities and types of potential contaminants.  The sampling and analysis plan complied with the EPA quality assurance and quality control requirements.

Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis for a Chemical Distribution Facility
Ireland Stapleton Pryor & Pascoe, Denver, Colorado

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued an administrative order requiring the cleanup of contaminated groundwater and soil resulting from a chemical distribution facility owned by a major national oil company.  To ensure proper cleanup of its property, a nearby landowner retained Slosky & Company to review the engineering evaluation/cost analysis prepared by the EPA.  Slosky & Company uncovered deficiencies in the groundwater cleanup system, soil contamination assessment, air quality analysis, and consideration of applicable or relevant, and appropriate environmental protection requirements.

Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Red Table Mountain Communications Site, Eagle County, Colorado
Reliant, Inc., Seattle, Washington for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Renton, Washington
Slosky & Company prepared an EA for the Red Table Mountain Communications site, including a Beacon-Only Radar facility, in the White River National Forest.  The proposed radar would be the highest elevation FAA radar in the continental U.S.  The Slosky & Company project team included the following disciplines:  soil science, wildlife, geology/hydrology, visual analysis, anthropology, noise engineering, electrical engineering, traffic engineering, socio-economics, wetlands, botany/ecology, and meteorology/air quality.

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Noranda Minerals Corporation/Montana Reserves Company Montanore Project, Libby, Montana
IMS, Inc., for the U.S. Forest Service and the State of Montana
Slosky & Company assisted IMS in the preparation of the draft and final EIS for a world class silver/copper mine in the Kootenai National Forest/Cabinet Mountains Wilderness Area near Libby, Montana.  Slosky & Company prepared the transportation portions of the EIS and conducted the scoping meeting for the EIS.

Environmental Impact Statement for the New World Project, Montana
IMS, Inc., for the State of Montana
Slosky & Company assisted in the development of a draft EIS for a 1,000- tons-per-day mine and mill complex.  The proposed site was within three miles of Yellowstone National Park and the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness.  The President of the United States terminated this project because of the projected environmental impact.

Rocky Flats Environmental Assessment for 881 Hillside Interim Remedial Action, Jefferson County, Colorado
Rocky Flats Cleanup Commission, Denver, Colorado
The Rocky Flats Cleanup Commission is a citizens group funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to oversee the cleanup of the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant.  Slosky & Company reviewed the Environmental Assessment prepared by the U.S. Department of Energy under NEPA for the interim remedial action at 881 Hillside contaminated by radionuclide and volatile organics.

Solid Waste Disposal Facility Permitting, Inspection, and Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
Town of Erie, Colorado
In response to a firm's desire to acquire a solid waste disposal site in Erie, Colorado, Slosky & Company, on behalf of the Town of Erie, conducted a review of the regulatory compliance history of a number of the firm's solid waste management facilities in the U.S.  Slosky & Company reviewed and recommended revisions to the town's permit for the solid-waste disposal facility.  This entailed recommendations for revisions to the design and operating plan for the facility and extensive negotiations with the new owner of the site.  The permit contains several innovative requirements designed to reduce the possibility of disposing unauthorized materials, such as hazardous wastes.

Slosky & Company provided onsite inspections and regulatory compliance monitoring for the solid-waste disposal facility.  The regulatory compliance monitoring included:  quarterly reviews of surface and groundwater quality, explosive gas monitoring, compliance with the design and operations plan, permit requirements, and compliance with the state's rules and regulations.

Solid-Waste Planning for Tribal Governments, Midwest U.S.
Yates & Auberle, Ltd., for the Council of Energy Resource Tribes (CERT), Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company assisted Yates & Auberle, Ltd., with solid-waste planning, through the CERT, for 28 Indian Tribes in the states of Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.  Slosky & Company prepared guidelines for the development of tribal solid-waste management plans.

Mold and Moisture Investigations
SunAmerica Affordable Housing Partners, Inc., Los Angeles, California (and others)
Investigations were conducted of mold and moisture issues in multi-family residential properties including inspections, evaluations, bulk and air sampling, and remedial oversight.  Aspects investigated included water intrusions during construction and post-occupancy health-related concerns.  Based on the evaluation, a water intrusion evaluation was developed and an investigation approach was phased for onsite personnel and/or third party implementation.

Mold and Moisture O&M Programs
SunAmerica Affordable Housing Partners, Inc., Los Angeles, California (and others)
Slosky & Company developed general and site-specific mold and moisture operations and maintenance (O&M) programs for multi-family properties to comply with insurer and lender requirements.  Model sections developed included health and safety considerations, work practices, investigation and clearance criteria, occupant notification, and preventative maintenance activities.

Mold Investigations and Maintenance Programs
Jefferson County School District, Colorado
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) unit evaluations and indoor air quality investigations in public schools included inspections, evaluations, bulk and air sampling, and development of O&M programs for cleaning and maintenance of HVAC systems prior to and after bi-annual startups.

Microbial Litigation Support Sewer Backups, Construction Defects, and Residential Mold
Several Law Firms, Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company provided inspections, evaluations, and bulk and air sampling activities.  Litigation support provided for cases involving:
  • Gray and black water intrusion (wastewater and sewer backups and leaks) in residential dwelling including inspections, evaluations, bulk and air sampling.
  • Microbial contamination associated with construction defects including perimeter drainage, flashing, window, crawlspace, landscaping, and other construction-related issues.
  • Residential mold contamination related to crawlspace infiltration and other moisture infiltration sources.
  • Support services including expert report preparation to address cleanliness, efficacy of remedial activities, health impacts, and future usability.
Microbial Investigations and Consultation Services
Several Homebuilders, Denver, Colorado
Investigation and remediation of crawlspace mold and moisture issues in residential buildings included inspections, evaluations, bulk and air sampling, remedial action recommendations and post-remedial compliance inspections.  Slosky & Company provided consultation and design support for residential home contractors related to moisture and water intrusion, prevention, and control of microbial growth.

Microbial Investigations and Remedial Design Services
City of Thornton, Thornton, Colorado
Slosky & Company provided scoping, specification, and remedial oversight for mold and other microbial remediation activities in residential and public buildings.  The firm conducted investigation and remediation of mold and moisture issues in residential and city buildings including inspections, evaluations, bulk and air sampling, remedial action recommendations, and post-remedial compliance inspections.  Remedial design was provided for moisture removal/reduction including implementation of subsurface interceptor systems, vapor reduction systems, vapor barriers, and ventilation systems.

Indoor Air Quality Testing
Confidential Major Denver Real Estate Owners
Slosky & Company provided indoor air quality testing and assessment services on an as-needed basis.  Testing included a variety of potential contaminants including volatile organic compounds, particulates, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide.

Indoor Air Quality Testing and Risk Assessment
ERO Resources for the Federal Highway Administration, Denver Federal Center, Lakewood, Colorado
Slosky & Company provided technical support and project oversight during indoor air quality investigations involving potential risks due to organic vapor infiltration from contaminated groundwater.  State-of-the-art sampling and analysis was utilized to detect trace concentrations of organic vapors at both onsite and offsite locations.  Risk assessment was performed to address potential human health risks to building occupants.

Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint Management, Nationwide
SunAmerica Affordable Housing Partners, Inc., Los Angeles, California
Slosky & Company served as the owner's representative in overseeing the management of asbestos and lead-based paints in residential and commercial buildings.  The firm provided oversight of asbestos and lead-based surveys, abatement specifications, abatement projects, and operations and maintenance plans.

Microbial Contamination Assessment and Remediation
Black Roofing for the City of Thornton, Colorado
Slosky & Company provided investigative and worker exposure control method strategies for the remediation and replacement of a recreation center swimming pool roof contaminated with fungi.  Bulk and air sampling data were utilized to determine the appropriate exposure control strategies for protecting workers from the biological hazards without increasing physical hazards such as heat stress.

Testing for Legionella Bacteria in High-Rise Office Building
When a tenant's employee was diagnosed as having Legionnaire's disease, the building owner retained Slosky & Company to conduct an industrial hygiene inspection and test for the Legionella bacteria.  The testing showed that Legionella was neither present in the ventilation system nor elsewhere in the building.

Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint Surveys and Abatement Oversight
Slosky & Company has conducted asbestos and lead-based surveys in a variety of buildings.  The firm has developed abatement specifications and conducted oversight of abatement projects on behalf of property owners.

Radon Testing
Brookfield Development Inc., Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company conducted indoor radon testing in a high-rise office building to demonstrate compliance with standards set by the U.S. Department of Commerce (lessee).
Review of New York State's Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility Siting
National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council
Leonard C. Slosky served on the National Academy of Sciences Committee that reviewed the New York State Low-Level Radioactive Waste Siting program.  Mr. Slosky was the primary author of the chapter on Statewide Exclusionary Screening.  The findings were published in a book issued by the National Research Council.

Evaluation of Allegedly Explosive Radioactive Waste Tanks, Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant, Denver, Colorado
Kaiser-Hill Company LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy
Slosky & Company personnel led technical presentation to the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment and the Colorado Attorney General's Office regarding a pending consent decree for management of allegedly explosive radioactive hazardous waste storage tanks.

Plutonium Vulnerability Assessment, Rocky Flats Plant
EG&G Rocky Flats, Inc., Jefferson County, Colorado
Leonard C. Slosky was selected as a "Q-cleared" representative of the stakeholders in the plutonium environment, health, and safety vulnerability assessment of the Rocky Flats plant.  The U.S. Secretary of Energy directed that the plutonium vulnerability assessment be undertaken to identify conditions or weaknesses that could lead to unnecessary or increased radiation exposure or releases of radioactive materials.  Mr. Slosky functioned as a member of the U.S. Department of Energy Headquarters Working Group Assessment Team (WGAT) that reviewed the vulnerabilities identified by EG&G Rocky Flats, identified additional vulnerabilities, and assisted in the development of the WGAT report.

Assessment of Radiologically-Contaminated Asbestos, Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant, Denver, Colorado
Kaiser-Hill Company LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy
Slosky & Company personnel designed a radiological characterization plan for plutonium contaminated asbestos, meeting requirements of the Nevada test site as well as the U.S. Department of Transportation.  Alternative approach eliminated need to route drums through a radioactivity counter, allowing for more efficient packaging.  Cost savings approached $3.7 million.  Described in Breaking New Ground for Asbestos Assaying and Shipping, by Jeanna Blatt, Rocky Flats Envision, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2002.

Radiological Survey of Warehouse, Broomfield, Colorado
DynCorp/Kaiser-Hill Company, Jefferson County, Colorado
Kaiser-Hill and its predecessors had leased a warehouse for the storage of excess equipment.  In several incidents, radioactively-contaminated equipment was discovered.  In anticipation of terminating the lease, Slosky & Company was retained to demonstrate that total and removable contamination levels in excess of regulatory guidelines were not present.  The radiological survey included the collection of approximately 4,000 alpha readings and alpha smear counts.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Blue Ribbon Panel,
Carlsbad, New Mexico
U.S. Secretary of Energy, Washington, D.C.
Leonard C. Slosky served on the five-person WIPP Blue Ribbon Panel that provided technical and management advice to the U.S. Secretary of Energy on the $1 billion WIPP program.  Mr. Slosky has furnished advice to Secretary Watkins on the following issues:  need for a Department of Energy-wide, integrated transuranic waste management plan, design of the waste (bin and alcove) experiments, compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Management and Disposal of Spent Fuel, High-Level and Transuranic Waste, waste treatment, compliance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), plans for waste retrieval, restructuring the operations demonstration, waste characterization, and the waste acceptance criteria.

Recommendations by the Blue Ribbon Panel have resulted in major changes to the WIPP program.  Mr. Slosky testified before the U.S. Congress House Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on WIPP.

Technical Support to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)
Advanced Sciences, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Slosky & Company provided technical support concerning waste characterization to Advanced Sciences, Inc., the prime contractor for the WIPP Integration Office.

Multi-Purpose Canister (MPC) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Clark County, Nevada
Slosky & Company provided advice to Clark County, Nevada on methods for participating in the preparation of the MPC EIS.  A legal analysis of the National Environmental Policy Act, the implementing regulations, and guidance was also prepared.

Review of the Rocky Flats Plan for Prevention of Contaminant Dispersion
Rocky Flats Cleanup Commission, Denver, Colorado
The Rocky Flats Cleanup Commission is a citizens group funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to oversee the cleanup of the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant.  Slosky & Company reviewed the Plan for Prevention of Contaminant Dispersion prepared by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Rocky Mountain Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact
Rocky Mountain Low-Level Radioactive Waste Board, Denver, Colorado
Since its formation in 1983, Leonard C. Slosky has served as executive director of the Rocky Mountain Low-Level Radioactive Waste Board.  The Board is responsible for providing disposal capacity and regulating the import and export of low-level radioactive waste from its member states (Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico).

Prior to the enactment of the Compact, Mr. Slosky chaired the six-state committee that successfully negotiated the Rocky Mountain Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact.  He coordinated the strategy for legislative adoption of the Compact in four of the member states and was directly responsible for presentation of the Compact to the Colorado General Assembly.

Mr. Slosky was responsible for negotiating with the other regional compacts and states in the development of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act Amendments of 1985, and working with the five committees of the U.S. Congress that approved the Compact.

Colorado Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Program
State of Colorado
While an aide to Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm, Leonard C. Slosky managed a $1.1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for technical and institutional assistance in the management of low-level radioactive waste (LLW) in Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Wyoming.  Seventeen reports were produced, including:
  • Site screening for LLW disposal facilities.
  • Economics of LLW disposal facilities.
  • LLW disposal facility inspection guide.
  • Computerized operations monitoring system that stores, analyzes, and graphically displays environmental monitoring, worker exposure, financial surety, and waste disposal location data for LLW disposal sites.
  • Role of public participation in LLW facility siting.
  • Rules that were adopted by the Colorado Board of Health for regulating the rates charged by LLW facility operators.
  • Inventory of regulatory authorities of the Rocky Mountain States for LLW packaging and transportation.
  • Methodology using the Colorado Forecasting and Simulation Model for projecting LLW generation based upon the state's level of economic activity.
Host State Selection for Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management
Roy F. Weston, Inc., for the Northeast Low-Level Radioactive Waste
Interstate Compact Commission, Princeton, New Jersey
Slosky & Company assisted in the negotiations and the development of an options paper for host state selection by the Northeast Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission, which is composed of the states of Connecticut and New Jersey.
Nuclear Waste Transportation Needs Assessment
Mountain West Research, Inc., for the State of Nevada
Slosky & Company conducted a comprehensive assessment of the actions needed by the state of Nevada to address the problems of transporting high-level nuclear waste to the proposed Yucca Mountain, Nevada, repository.  The 500-plus page assessment included:
  • A description of a preferred system for nuclear waste transportation.
  • A description of the U.S. Department of Energy's planned nuclear waste transportation system.
  • A comparison of the U.S. Department of Energy's planned transportation system to the preferred transportation system.
  • A literature review.
  • The development of a comprehensive impact assessment system for nuclear waste transportation.
  • The identification of nuclear waste transportation research needs at the national and state level.
Nuclear Waste Transportation Research Center
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Slosky & Company provided management and technical assistance during the startup of the Nuclear Waste Transportation Research Center in the University of Nevada's College of Engineering.  The firm assisted the Center in developing the capability to assess the nuclear waste transportation issues confronting state and local governments in Nevada as a result of the proposed high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain.  Tasks included development of state-of-the-art highway and rail routing and risk assessment models and review of the U.S. Department of Energy nuclear waste transportation reports.

Waste Transportation in the Western U.S.
Western Governors' Association, Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company provided technical assistance to the Western Governors' Association (WGA) in its development of programs to help ensure the safe transportation of transuranic waste from U.S. Department of Energy defense facilities in the states of Washington, Idaho, Colorado, and New Mexico to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in the state of New Mexico.  The programs addressed such issues as carrier safety, emergency preparedness, vehicle/cargo inspection, safe parking areas, and shipment monitoring.  Slosky & Company also assisted WGA in the preparation of the report Western Regional Waste Streams.

Risk Assessment and Risk Management for Railroad Transportation of Hazardous Materials, Denver, Colorado
Woodward-Clyde Consultants for the City and County of Denver, Colorado
Slosky & Company prepared the emergency preparedness portions of a railroad hazardous materials risk assessment and risk management plan for the City and County of Denver.  Slosky & Company also critiqued the hazardous materials emergency response plans and capabilities of Denver and the four Class-1 railroads operating in the city.  As part of this critique, Slosky & Company conducted and evaluated a "table-top" simulation of Denver's response to a major incident involving radioactive materials, which included:  Denver's departments of fire, police, emergency preparedness, and environmental affairs; Denver's hospital paramedics; three railroads; the adjacent county's emergency preparedness director; Colorado's emergency services agency and health department; the U.S. Department of Energy; and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Metropolitan Fire Department Training Directory, Nationwide
Federal Emergency Management Agency/National Fire Academy, Emmitsburg, Maryland
Slosky & Company was contracted to prepare an update to the federal government's directory of the major metropolitan fire department training programs in the U.S.  In order to update the directory, the 125 largest fire departments in the U.S. were to be surveyed to obtain detailed data on their training programs. The directory is used by the National Emergency Training Center to evaluate the usefulness of the National Fire Academy's "hand-off" training programs and to identify the need for new training programs.

Environmental Issues Management
Center for the New West, Denver, Colorado
Leonard C. Slosky was a senior fellow and visiting director of environmental policy and economic development at the Center for the New West. The Center for the New West is a think tank focusing on issues impacting 18 states in the Western U.S. Mr. Slosky presented a Crossroads Seminar on nuclear weapons and nuclear waste management. He wrote an "op-ed" on solid waste management that was published in major newspapers in Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, and Washington.

Business Opportunities in Hazardous Waste Management
Fortune 100 Company
Slosky & Company assisted a Fortune 100 company in assessing the business opportunities and risks in entering the commercial hazardous waste management field.  The client ultimately purchased an existing commercial hazardous waste management facility.